Here are a few links to find Benny! If you have a different book source, search their site for “Benny by Nikki Husted”.
Benny was adopted by us when she wasn’t doing well in her previous home. Her previous flock had a few bullies who prevented her from loving life. When her owner reached out for a new home for Benny, we took a chance on her. Within a few months she was a new goose!
Here are some fun facts about Benny. When we brought her home, we thought she was a he! The man who had her before believed she was a male goose (a gander). After Benny got healthier and happier, she started laying eggs! We decided to keep her name. She is named after Benny Rodríguez from the movie The Sandlot. My two sons were loving that movie during the time we brought Benny home.
I am so excited for you to read her story. The book will be out soon.
In the meantime, here are some videos about Benny and how she flourished on our farm.
Benny Notebook
A blank notebook for all your note taking needs! With Benny to brighten your day <3