Discount Codes For Products I Love!

 I work hard to partner with companies I trust and love to acquire discount codes for all of you!

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Eaton Pet and Pasture

This might just be my favorite chicken coop “upgrade” of all time. Eaton Pet and Pasture has really helped me streamline my chicken keeping. They currently offer three must have products. Hemp bedding is my favorite bedding for inside the coop because it is pretty much dust free, soft on their feet, and isn’t hard on the respiratory system (unlike straw, sand, and pine). It’s super absorbent, meaning you don’t have to clean the coop as often and there is less smell. It is great and quick in the compost! They also have nest pads made from USA grown aspen free from pesticides and harmful materials. My chickens love them. I love that they can arrange the nest as chickens do but they don’t kick the bedding out of the nest! You have to try the grubs as well!! They are fed organic pre-consumer waste that would otherwise end up in the landfill. I know my chickens are getting the healthiest “treat” and adding calcium and protein to their diet. It also makes them come to me when called.

Check out all of these things at and use my code purelychickens to save!

Scratch and Peck

If you are looking for a high quality, organic, non GMO feed, check out Scratch and Peck Feeds! I leave the crumbles out full time in my gravity feeders and ferment the whole grain mash. If you want to learn more about fermenting, check out my saved highlight on Instagram! It goes over all you need to know. I have tried fermenting many feeds and this one is my favorite because it doesn’t smell fishy or end up molding.

Check them out with the button below and use my code purelychickens15

First Saturday Lime

This product is the best thing we’ve found for pests (aka mites, lice, ticks, fleas, ants) odor in the coop/barn, and moisture build up. It’s made of citric acid and calcite and works better than the barn lime from the store and is much safer than diatomaceous earth. We get a bag monthly and apply it in the nest boxes, dust bath area, all over the coop and run floor. Our goats, dog, and garden love it too! My code purelynikki will get you 20% off a one time order but does not work on subscription purchases.

Meyer Hatchery

I have been using Meyer for delivery of baby chicks and hatching eggs for over a decade. I love working with them and have always had a good experience! Use my code PURELYCHICKENS for $5 off your online order!

Epic Gardening

With gardening becoming more and more popular, Epic Gardening is your one stop shop for all things garden! I use their metal beds in my chicken garden and even have one in my chicken run that is used as a dust bath. I helped create a chicken seen bundle for them! You can find it and other products with the link below. Use my code PURELYCHICKENS !